
Showing posts from September, 2019

How is CAD Software Helpful? ETA-APME

CAD or Computer-Aided Design is a software is used by various professionals such as engineers, artists, architects etc for creating very accurate drawings or models in two dimensional or even three-dimensional formats respectively, for their specific job functions. It is most useful in professions such as those that are construction-oriented and requires precision drawings and exact measurements for their designs/ creations.   The Benefits of CAD software There are huge benefits of this software in various kinds of jobs that require a great deal of planning and accuracy even before the actual work begins. Learn about the benefits: Often, the slightest of inaccuracies in the planning stage can lead to grave discrepancies in the finished product and if the finished product happens to be of a large magnitude such as a building or a bridge, even a minute inefficiency can lead to grave dangers to life and property alike. Using the CAD software will enable yo...

Role of Consulting Engineers in Engineering Construction - ETA APME

A Consulting engineer is someone who is hired by clients to help in the planning, designing, supervising, building and maintenance work of various kinds of structures. They are hired on the basis of their vast wealth of knowledge, engineering background, qualifications and overall experience and expertise.   The intrinsic job of a consulting engineer A consulting engineer has much to contribute to engineering construction and on-site projects based on his experience and skills. Every such project, in order to be effective, must follow its timeline and budget and be completed within its specified time period and cost. To achieve this, certain other parameters must be constantly evaluated at various stages of the project. These include quality, productivity, time taken for completion, costs etc. It is the job of a consulting engineer to take care of these parameters right from planning, implementation, control and completion of the project.   What is the role ...